
The preamplifier is vital to keeping your signal.  There are lots of different types and brands, but they all work the same way.

One part of the preamp goes on the antenna itself.  It comes with a U-bolt for mounting, and holds firmly to your mounting bracket.  The antenna is fed into the preamp, and then the preamp sends the signal down the line to your TV.  The other part of the preamp is close to your TV, and it plugs into the wall for power.  So, what does this do and how does it work?

The preamp concentrates the signal coming to the TV by making up for signal loss as the signal travels down the line from the antenna and through any splitters on the line.  This can be VERY significant depending on the length on cable between the TV and the antenna.

Plain and simple, get the best preamp available!

It makes a world of difference, and I speak from experience. I have a top of the line "Channel Master" preamp.  Over the course of my experimenting, I tried getting signal with no preamp, a cheaper preamp, and the Channel Master.  The difference in the quantity and quality of the channels received  with the preamp in the picture below was simply amazing!  Currently I have the preamp boosting the signal and split to two TVs using the existing wiring in the house.  Both TVs get the same signal, and I see no appreciable signal loss from splitting the signal.  (When Winter comes and a clear day is harder to find, I may try not splitting the signal and moving to one TV.  We never need two TVs in the house, but I can't bring myslef to throw out a working 40 inch tube TV.  Waste not want not.)

This site has great information on antennas and preamps: 

From personal experience, this is a fantastic place to find OTA HD information.  I called them to ask some questions about the Channel Master preamp and one of their customer service reps answered all my technical questions right on the spot.  She also offered some advice on getting the best OTA HD reception possible.  They have great customer service, and I highly recommend them to answer all your OTA HD questions, no matter how technical.

TIP! - Don't get confused about what a preamp does.  It only boosts the signal you are already getting with the antenna - it DOES NOT help you get more signals!  This is very important to understand.  No amount of preamplification power is going to get you a signal that is unavailable.  Once your antenna is set up, try testing your available channels with and without the preamp.  I guarantee the preamp is money well spent!

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